Afgeronde onderzoeken
Multi-story residential buildings in the event of fire: relief of the fire-induced overpressure without causing smoke spread via the ventilation system
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Quantitative assessment for fire safety of super-tall residential buildings with a probabilistic analysis
7S45M0 - J.DUMAS - FINAL Thesis rapport - 03-07-2023.pdf
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7.89 MB (8277190 bytes)
Fire resilience of CLT in residential buildings
Master thesis Andres Berdugo Calderon-Fire Resilience of CLT in Residencial Buildings.pdf
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6.47 MB (6784017 bytes)
Exploring the possibilities of a stay-in-place concept in case of fire
7LS1M0 - J.Dumas - Rapport FSE Project - 07-10-2022.pdf
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8.58 MB (8998821 bytes)
Fire risk of building integrated photovoltaics in façades
12022023 version. Fire risk of building integrated photovoltaics in facades. T.J.W. Junggeburth (1370847).pdf
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2.32 MB (2430076 bytes)
Assessing the risk of flanking of thermally light facades in case of fire
22-09-09 Assessing the risk of failure of thermally light facades in case of fire_Full document.pdf
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6.85 MB (7186236 bytes)
Thermomechanical modeling of composite slab joints under fire
Sue Ellen de Nijs_Thermomechanical modeling of composite slab joints under fire.pdf
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9.87 MB (10345205 bytes)
Different concepts for personal safety in a multi-story residential complex in relation tot internal smoke propagation.
22102020_Report_Marc_Scholman_1021538_Final version.pdf
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12.52 MB (13129040 bytes)
Evacuation of bedridden building occupants
2013-02_Niels Strating-Evacuation of bedridden building occupants.pdf
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5.63 MB (5904378 bytes)
Cooling a hot smoke layer by a sprinkler spray
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18.18 MB (19059745 bytes)
Efficiency of hot smoke layer cooling techniques: investigation of an experimental setup
E. Slotboom - Efficieny of hot smoke layer cooling techniques.pdf
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3.86 MB (4047622 bytes)
Numerical simulation of external flames in ventilation controlled fires
20170406 - afstudeerscriptie Reem Shakerchi.pdf
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6.13 MB (6430768 bytes)
Wet Kwaliteitsborging voor het Bouwen: privaat verzekerd?
Kwaliteitsborging Privaat verzekerd - A. Verwoort.pdf
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353 KB (361648 bytes)
Impact of the balanced mechanical ventilation system on overpressure in airthight houses in case of fire
20170217 - M1 Nick Tenbult.pdf
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2.96 MB (3100649 bytes)
Thermische belasting door brand op scheidingsconstructies - probabilistische equivalente brandduur
Lara Quaas - Thermal load separationconstructions.pdf
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1.16 MB (1214279 bytes)
A traveling fire in a open carpark
20170216 - M4 Babette Mattheus.pdf
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17.08 MB (17914435 bytes)
Two-way coupling of CFD fire simulations and FE modelling on thin walled steel structures
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8.03 MB (8424114 bytes)
Automated 2-way coupled CFD and FEM under fire conditions of a selfsupporting sandwich panel facade system
Behavior of sandwichpanels in the pre- flashover phase / Flammibility ranges of building insulation materials
Flammibility ranges of building insulation materials
- Afstudeerproject 2014-10 Luuk de Kluiver
Behavior of sandwichpanels in the pre- flashover phase
- Afstudeerproject 2014-10 Sander Giunta d'Albani
- Artikel Flammability of insulation material
- Een artikel van Sander Giunta d'Albani en Luuk de Kluiver over flammability of insulation material in het wetenschappelijke tijdschrift Fire and Materials, met Ruud van Herpens commentaar een aanpassingen.
Different concepts for personal safety in a multi-story residential complex in relation tot internal smoke propagation.
22102020_Report_Marc_Scholman_1021538_Final version.pdf
PDF document,
12.52 MB (13129040 bytes)
10 years Fellowship FSE at TUe
10 years Fellowship FSE at TUE - PDF.pdf
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12.50 MB (13107859 bytes)